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  • Writer's pictureCarrie Mosko

In the Trenches

In my training as a therapist I was taught to be a blank slate.

Blankety blank blank blank. As blank as blank can be.

Monotone voice.

Limited expressions.

Completely composed at all times.

Never to share anything about my life, my own healing process, or even snippets of my personality.

Yes, well, this just isn't my style.

Also, healing doesn't happen this way. It happens through authentic connection, validation, and exquisite sensitivity to the fact that we all just want to be seen and heard, which is difficult to facilitate when you're a wall of nothingness.

Let me be clear: If you come to me for therapy, you will not get a blank slate.

You will get a therapist who is also a human being and is authentically, and intuitively, attuned to you.

You will get facial expressions, and demonstrative gestures.

You will get authentic inflection in my words, and sincere responses.

You will get the occasional humorous retort about life and its utter absurdity.

You will get honest feedback, even when it's hard to hear.

But you will also get a safe place where you can feel comfortable sharing anything and everything that is your desire to share within the confines of the therapeutic space.

You will get the experience of being warmly seen and heard, without judgement.

And, when you leave the session, you will leave knowing in your heart that you opened up your soul to a real human being who has been where you've been and understands just how hard this life can be.

Someone who is right there in the trenches with you, doing the work herself, moment to moment, every-damn-day.

As a woman.

As a mom.

As a lady boss.

As a survivor.

As - a - warrior goddess.

I've learned a lot about suffering, and how it leads to growth, evolution, and transformation.

I know the challenges, the struggles, and how fucking hard it can all feel.

I've been there. Most days I'm still there.

Right there with you, in the trenches, doing the work myself.

I have heard it said in certain therapist circles that you can't lead patients to a level of growth you have not yet traversed yourself.

Makes sense, right?

One of the reasons I engage in my own therapy work is to be of greater service to my patients.

In fact, my own therapy work is what I believe separates me from others because it allows me to be keenly attuned and present, in a way I simply cannot be when I'm not tending to my own stuff.

And guess what? My therapist is ne'er the blank slate, neither.

Who wants to unleash their vulnerability to a wall of nothingness?

Not me.

So, if you're searching for a therapist and haven't found your match, this is what I offer.





And, most of all, human.

Email me at if you're interested in joining the trenches with me.


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