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  • Writer's pictureCarrie Mosko

And then there is summer...

Albert Camus once wrote, "In the depth of winter, I finally learned that there was in me an invincible summer."

It is wintertime in Cleveland.

The second half of wintertime, no less.

There is snow.

Though beautiful, its presence feels far overstayed.

There is shoveling.

So much shoveling.

There is ice.

Roads that are slick.



Outside it is cold.

Some days it is very cold.

The sky is gray.

Daylight is short.

There is "out there" and there is "in here."

The "out there" feels monotonous and daunting.

The "in here" has moved from comforting to confining.

People are tired.

The universe feels harsh and heavy.

Soon, it will be spring.

The snow will melt.

Flowers will bloom.

The sun will shine.

Birds will chirp.

Butterflies will be aflutter.

We will see the grass again, and it will look greener than before.

The days will get longer.

Windows will open.

Fresh air will abound.

The universe will feel lighter again.

Through enduring a long winter, we come to fully appreciate the spring.

And then there is summer...


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